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"FTP Invalid attributes! Provided the user does not have permissions to overwrite files." | Forum

Bob Apr 23 '13
I just thought I would say this error in my case was caused by the fact my Hosting company only supports Secure FTP.

Oxwall only supports FTP NOT SFTP or FTPES

So if you have the above error then first check with your hosting company what they support it could save you a lot of time and trouble trying to fix the problem.

I hope Oxwall do add support for secure FTP soon.

I ask that a moderator stickies this so others can see it and save more posts being posted about this error.

Webby Hi
Webby Hi Jan 9 '14
I'd like to bump this..
Alia Team
Alia Jan 9 '14
Thanks for sharing Bob. I will gather hints given by other users in other topics and will create a new one listing all possible reasons of  this issue.