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Facebook button gone? [to test] | Forum

Briton Jun 28 '13
Thanks Chris,

Works like a charm. I just downloaded the latest version of the app and your solution was the only one that worked.

Uandson Glauber
Uandson Glauber Jun 30 '13


How are you?

People'm super new here on the forum.

And the worst. I can not speak English 100%.

I am Brazilian, and I am discovering many things about oxwall ...

I had this problem for FB Connect.

Thank you for all.

And congratulations to oxwall

Can anyone help me here?


Thank you to all.

I'm waiting for answers there.

The Forum post is edited by Uandson Glauber Jun 30 '13
Alia Team
Alia Jun 30 '13
I am not sure what is your issue exactly since I don't know Brazilian (.

My best guess would be that you are missing some text keys in your language. To translate missing texts just go to admin panel>>settings>>language>>near each language you will have a number under "Missing Text Keys" column>>click on number and add needed phrases.

Joey Dec 30 '13
Quote from Chris This issue has been fixed, just update your version of FB connect plugin. You do not need to edit the languages section anymore.

However if you have changed the text in the language section to display the image, you will have to undo your edit and put back just the plain text, otherwise the image will display twice.

There is still a bug with this plugin tho. Aliia if you could take a look into this. The synchronize with FB button does not display on edit user profile. I am almost sure it used to display "Synchronize with FB" image.
on my site, fresh install there is still no image for facebook and there is no update 

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