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Avatar and photos download and not see [Answered] | Forum

Aivo Apr 25 '13
Avatar by uploading photos, and they do not show, at the same time, the videos are visible
The Forum post is edited by Alia May 7 '13
Exaspian Studios
Exaspian Studios Apr 25 '13
Try deactivating and reactivating a few plugins. Generally other plugins are what cause these kinds of issues. Do you have any third party plugins or is it just a default installation?
Alia Team
Alia May 1 '13
Aivo, check http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/10292 ; to find out all possible solutions.

Aivo May 2 '13
Thank Aliia Trying to solve
Alia Team
Alia May 2 '13
Aivo, small correction.
Since you are having issues with avatars check following folders


Karen May 3 '13
I think Aliia's suggestion should work.
new May 3 '13
Just a query, the is no folder exist in as "Base" for avatars.. its simply as uavatars. 
Alia Team
Alia May 3 '13
Vishal, which version of Oxwall do you have?
new May 3 '13
The latest one.. I just started my website
Alia Team
Alia May 3 '13
Vishal, that is strange. Can you send a screen shot showing this?

Here is mine:

new May 3 '13
Oh, it does exists, i might have seen it ow_plugins wrongly.