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Widgets Re-order in Newsfeed [Answered] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Ayo Tunde
Ayo Tunde May 3 '13
Can someone put me through on how to re-arrange or re-order the widget in the newsfeed page like moving a widget UP or DOWN.
The Forum post is edited by Alia May 6 '13
Steve Winter
Steve Winter May 3 '13
I had to delete and then re-add on mine.
Ayo Tunde
Ayo Tunde May 4 '13

Quote from Steve Winter I had to delete and then re-add on mine.

How did you do that?
Ayo Tunde
Ayo Tunde May 4 '13
Hey! Just got a clue around it. I changed my theme back to ORIGIN, then I was able to customise and re-order.
Ronnel DC
Ronnel DC May 4 '13
just go to Your newsfeed and click customize and drag the widgets :)
Ayo Tunde
Ayo Tunde May 4 '13

Quote from Ronnel Dela Cruz just go to Your newsfeed and click customize and drag the widgets :)

Yeah! You are right. Have got it. Thanks for your time man