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Failed loading /usr/local/IonCube/ioncube_loader_lin_5.2.so: | Forum

Karl May 9 '13
I'm using cpanel hosting and after a nightmare setting up cron I am getting the following messege mailed to me.

Failed loading /usr/local/IonCube/ioncube_loader_lin_5.2.so:  /usr/local/IonCube/ioncube_loader_lin_5.2.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directoryFailed loading /usr/local/Zend/lib/Optimizer-3.3.9/php-5.2.x/ZendOptimizer.so:  /usr/local/Zend/lib/Optimizer-3.3.9/php-5.2.x/ZendOptimizer.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directoryX-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.24Content-type: text/html
<br /><b>Fatal error</b>:  Class 'PDO' not found in <b>/home/newbiz/public_html/pegasus/ow_core/database.php</b> on line <b>185</b><br />

The host support replied.

I could see that you are using old version of libraries. We have upgraded our software. You should need to upgrade your script for the php version 5.3.24 and use below libraries instead of old one
What does this all mean?

Alia Team
Alia May 14 '13
Karl, our software is fully compatible with PHP 5.3.
Standard Oxwall software and it's plugins don't use IonCube.

Also, most likely PDO extension n is not available on your server.