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What about a plugin to display a nickname for admin not a username | Forum

dave Leader
dave May 10 '13

Hi i had this on here before earlier today but then took it off because i wanted to do some poking around and get my facts right first. 


So the idea is that we spend  so much time doing things for security against hacking but sometimes its the tiny things that we need to consider.  


So my thought here is that i used a different name other than admin when i set this up because its a tiny security benefit because admin or administration is so widely used and the hackers already know the default name in most scripts.


But that is spoiled by the fact that no matter what option i used in the admin section as far as options, the site still shows my true admin login userid.


What about a plugin to display a nickname instead so that nobody knows my username, they interact with me completely thru my nickname.   Even with choosing first name in settings there are places it still shows my username.


I know its a small thing but then again maybe it might avoid trouble one day, after all any security out there is only designed for the majority not the minority.  The minority of people that are really good will get your stuff if they want it, we are only protecting against the majority that if you make it hard they will go away and pick on someone who is an easier target.


So your thoughts, good plugin idea or no?

hendrik Jun 9 '13
and did you find a solution for this problem ?
i think its really needed.

dave Leader
dave Jun 9 '13

Sorry i meant to update this the other day and i forgot sorry,  i wrote that before i knew about the name option on here.  


What you do  is you change the real name member question to read :


Real First/Nick/Alt Name 


then you make sure in your set up that you are using real name and not user id. 


Then you let them put any name they want in there when they register. 


 It works great.

The Forum post is edited by dave Jun 9 '13
hendrik Jun 9 '13
thanks for the fast replie.

Im terible in this kind of things.
Where do i need to change al that?
Can you upload a screenshot on how to do this?
dave Leader
dave Jun 9 '13

admin->users->profile questions


edit the item that says "real name"  to  Real First/Nick/Alt Name  ( the edit button will appear in the far right column when your mouse is over it.)


in admin->settings->user settings,    make sure you DO NOT have it set to use username


So the user will have two items both required. 

Username that they log in with.

and nick name that everyone sees them as.

The Forum post is edited by dave Jun 9 '13
hendrik Jun 9 '13
Hi Dave,

thank you very much sir !!
This did the trick

Kind regards,