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Privacy in 1.1.1 not right... | Forum

g00d Apr 27 '11
Hi fellows,
Thx for the hard work.
Let me sort out some privacy problems that really are essential for the software:

- I still cannot set the Items visibility: (users only guests only everyone) on the frontpage?

- blogs:
since the latest version the blogs are not public accessible anymore.
Why only the blogs? Forums, users and groups are public accessible.
At least there should be a setting to change this.

Also it would be handy if some users blogs could be public. I have many blogs as moderator and would like to have them public, as I made them accessible through the menu (or a html menu page). Since this latest version, they cannot be accessed anymore, so my site is half-closed.

I think it's really necessary to have the privacy priviliges fixed?
g00d Apr 27 '11
- a general setting for each and/or all groups, users, forums, blogs, to define the privacy setting (public, registered or admin)
- it would be handy, like in Joomla, that the administrator can choose if every post (blog, group, forum etc) is public, registered or admin
- an extra setting on the frontpage items, to select the privacy as stated in the header.

I hoped it would have been in this release, but now with this update, my site is half closed. So I'm hoping there comes a fix...
g00d Apr 27 '11
another small buggy, the user icons in the groups are aligned below eachother...