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Installatron error | Forum

crb May 16 '13

Somebody can explain why this error pops up with my hosting account when installing oxwall ?

Error: mysql::query(Array ( [0] => UPDATE `czr4_base_user` SET `username`=? WHERE `id`='1' [1] => Array ( [0] => admin ) [2] => ) ) has failed. host = int.db1.trans-it.nl database = tx2735_czr4 username = tx2735_czr4 errstr = UPDATE `czr4_base_config` SET `value`='casper_xxx@xxxx.com' WHERE `name`='site_email' MYSQL ERROR 1146: Table 'tx2735_czr4.czr4_base_config' doesn't existUPDATE `czr4_base_user` SET `username`='admin' WHERE `id`='1' MYSQL ERROR 1146: Table 'tx2735_czr4.czr4_base_user' doesn't exist

dave Leader
dave May 16 '13
did you create your db, its telling you that your tables dont exist, so either you named your tables something else or your prefix is wrong.  
The Forum post is edited by dave May 16 '13
crb May 17 '13

Didnt create anything thougth Installatron would do the job ?


You can choice auto make database.


Not really home in SQL just learning website development

dave Leader
dave May 17 '13

do it again and go with the standard ow_  prefix  and see if that works.