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where is the Share button for newsfeed and other | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
omer May 19 '13
i am looking for my oxwall site but ididnt see?  
Alia Team
Alia May 20 '13
>>where is the share button for newsfeed ?

If you mean social share buttons, then they don't come with standard Oxwall package. You will need to install additional plugins ( check our Store)  or customize the code.
omer May 20 '13
no social share button just share button like facebook
Alia Team
Alia May 20 '13
Omer, same thing. We don't have this built in. So you will need  to customize the code.
omer May 21 '13
not same why you are so speak.. social share button not same standard share... pls dont write me my topics
Alia Team
Alia May 22 '13
Omer, I meant, same solution applies for your question regarding share button like facebook.
And the solution is to customize the code.

If you meant something else, please give example of what you want and more details.

Just like me other forum members might not understand what you want and you will not get any help here.