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Photo album privacy settings and photo box | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
omer May 19 '13

i want to make a city network.. photo sharing will be very important in our web side... so i need a photo sharing platform seeable everbody with customization settings... i want to make photobox in like recent main page and everybody can see even not register... i want to make pic and pho album privacy settings user while adding... if user allows everybody can see in mainpage photobox...

The Forum post is edited by omer May 19 '13
Alia Team
Alia May 20 '13
Omer, you can test how our "Photo" feature works on our demo at http://demo.oxwall.org/.
You can also install Oxwall and "Photo" plugin on your server. Both Oxwall and this plugin are free.
omer May 20 '13
i use already photo plugin... i asked that i want to make privacy settings while photo or album adding ( everybody, just me, my friends)
dave Leader
dave May 20 '13

Under preferences you can set as a whole for all photos, albums, but not for individual albums or photos.

Alia Team
Alia May 20 '13
+1 to Dave' reply.

omer May 21 '13
if we have privacy plugin(i installed) we should have photo album and others visible settings