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add new menu [Answered] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Sourour May 22 '13
hi ,

I want to create a new menu called "graph" and I succeeded with "page & menu "in a administrative part the problem I want to integrate a php code in this page how can I do? i placed  in the " Page content " but it appears as a text contained help me please

The Forum post is edited by Alia May 27 '13
dave Leader
dave May 22 '13

The only way know you add php code is to add it to the php source code,  you can put special iframe and other html  but  to put php you need to mod the script to parse it properly.  What you are wanting to do is not an option.


To better explain this,  i have a members map that is a wordpress plugin that i use on my wordpress blog.  I could not include that php to show the map on my oxwall page,  but once the page was parsed and rendered i could include the iframe to the page.  So i made a members map page on oxwall and used the iframe and now my members map shows in my oxwall page.


Does that help.

The Forum post is edited by dave May 22 '13
Alia Team
Alia May 22 '13
Sourour, creating local page won't work for you.
You will need to create your page outside of oxwall and just add a link to created page using "External URL".

This FAQ might be of some use: http://docs.oxwall.org/...stom-pages-to-oxwall

But connecting .html page to the .php code of yours is up to you.
Sourour May 23 '13
Alia thnx a looooooott :)