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meetip.com API integration | Forum

Paul M.
Paul M. May 26 '13
One of my strategies for getting users to my site was to approach groups relevant to my oxwall's site niche on meetup.com and try to get them to move over. The problem is the bigger groups are more deeply embedded into meetup. A group of 604 member's wanted to move to my site but didn't want to move all of their events. Thankfully meetup has an API. Attached is a simple meetup api client and a worker file to get events from group on meetup and create the events on your oxwall site. I placed this in my servers root outside of the oxwall site and setup a cron so that events could be checked through out the day. You will also need to add a column to the ow_event_item table called meetupid. This is very basic and only grabs text from events. It could really use some polishing but it does the job. Use at your own risk and please test on a dev version of your site before you attempt on a production site.

*Attached needs to be renamed to .php

The Forum post is edited by Paul M. May 26 '13
  meetup.txt (2.92Kb)
  worker.txt (2.39Kb)
dave Leader
dave May 27 '13

Thanks for posting, really great idea.


I have an idea for this, it is just an initial thought so i have not done any testing or anything, but my thought was to be able to gather and display the data without having to possibly compromise the site in any way.


The idea is to create a new db with the field specified, connect to that new db and run the process, then use ajax to capture the output and/or use iframe in the appropriate area on the oxwall side to display the result.


This would allow us alittle more freedom as to what we wanted to display in the first place before it ever got to the oxwall side, either thru sanitation or functions such as htmlspecialchars/htmlentities, or with regex.   


This would also prevent any direct DB access from a side script that is not sanctioned by oxwall for security reasons.


It would also solve any issue with having to create a new field in the oxwall table.


It would also allow us to format the visual display with much more freedom than having to consider the oxwall plugin requirements.


Just a thought..

The Forum post is edited by dave May 27 '13
Den Team
Den May 27 '13

Nice idea! It could be really helpful not only for event based websites. 


But to be safely and useful for the most, it should be covered into a plugin. For exam: the plugin could add RSS widget during the installation. An event's creator will be able to set URL to any specific URL meetup feed with description and basic info.

Meetup.com already provides that URLs for groups. Learn from here http://www.meetup.com/meetup_api/feeds/

Paul M.
Paul M. May 27 '13
The reason for the new column is because the ow_event_item table uses auto increment for the event ID's value. Meetup has its own unique event ID that it issues each event. Really it just turned out to be the easiest way to roll through the events and make sure I wasn't inserting something that already existed in the table already. On a side note, I think it would be cool if it was a plugin the way Den described. Whoever does it make sure you send me a copy ;)
dave Leader
dave May 27 '13
Well i am not at the point where i can do a plugin but i will try it my way and we will see how it goes... im just curious anyway how it will be.
dave Leader
dave May 27 '13
fyi in meetup txt your missing the close at the end  ?>