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Security Cameras | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Hauwa Usman
Hauwa Usman Oct 25 '24
Any recommendations?
Almost everything now is Wi-Fi/smart technology which has its advantages but what if I want to put one in my garage or van or a job site where’s there’s no power and no Wi-Fi? Or what if the power goes down and I lose internet? I see some cellular options but then you’re paying more for the camera plus you need a subscription. It seems like there has to be some kind of basic battery powered camera out there-I guess the downside is that someone could just take the camera but still..:. Otherwise I could just try a trail camera.
Pawl Kerson
Pawl Kerson Oct 25 '24
I think you need to define your target a bit better. Probably the closest you're going to get to to a one-fits-all solution is cellular--but even with that, not every location has coverage.

If you don't need real-time, a trail cam might actually be the most versatile.
Ashwin Campbell
Ashwin Campbell Oct 25 '24
I faced a similar dilemma when I wanted to monitor my garage and my van. I ended up using a battery-powered camera, and while I was nervous about it being stolen, it worked like a charm. Another option I found really handy is a doorbell video camera, which gives me peace of mind without needing to worry about power outages. You can check it out here: https://www.vivint.com/products/doorbell-camera. I’ve been using one from Vivint, and it captures great footage even during the night!