matt, i wanted to test this myself since i am new to oxwall. I created a group as admin and set it to invite only and participants can invite. The i made a test forum post as admin in the group.
Then i logged in on another browser as a normal user and went to groups, and i cannot see my private group on the list at all.
Must be something on you end, and ill try to figure out what by doing some tests here
np :) this is what i know so far, some of this you may have done but im just laying out what i know as my sites are new as well.
1. in admin>plugins>installed plugins>groups>settings>additional features, you choose to add the forum to your groups. Then i also took the check mark off the option to allow users to customize that page.
2. in admin>pages>groups>edit you take the checkmark off the guests box.
3. admin>pivacy&permissions>roles i have three, guest, member, admin. nothing is checked for guest accept links.
4. admin>user>user_roles i have member default and admin
5. admin>pages>dashboard
& profile both..
i took the check mark off of the allow members to customize page option on the bottom.
6. On the user side of the site go to main and choose customize this page. Then select the gear icon for each widget (settings) and on the botton of that window you will see the restict view option. Do this for every widget there.
That should do it, i mean thats how i have mine set up.
So glad you got it... nice.. yep that is wierd. I have one of my tables on my other site (not oxwall) that does the same thing. Its a coupon table and right out of the blue it will get funky for no reason and i will have to drop and restore the table. I have 4 sites with the same exact install and it only happens to this one site and this one table. Yep sometimes this business is not as logical as it is suppose to be... can drive ya nuts..
Good going :)