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Developed a plugin but it is not showing me in Available plugins list | Forum

Puneet May 29 '13

I have developed one plugin with your plugin-development crash course. The plugin is installed successfully but it is not appearing in "Available Plugins" list. I am attaching my custom plugin. Please cross-check it and let me know the issues.

Thanks for your help,

Puneet Singhal

  photocontest.zip (9.62Kb)
Puneet May 29 '13
Please check the attached plugin file.
Alia Team
Alia Jun 3 '13
Topic was moved from Bug reports and troubleshooting.
Daisy Team
Daisy Jun 7 '13
Puneet, the plugin does not show up in the Available plugins list because the <licenseUrl></licenseUrl> string is empty. To solve the problem you should add the 'licenseUrl'.
Puneet Jun 9 '13
Yes, you are absolutely correct Daisy.. I missed that. Thank you for your kind support.
Oxwall Accessories
Oxwall Accessories Jun 9 '13
This is a great Idea for a plugin. 
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