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IP Addresses Not Recording? | Forum

Harry May 29 '13
My oxwall 1.53 is not recording anyone's ip, all the time it shows up as  Checked this in the db and it was true there.  Searched the forums for any ideas but found nothing.  Any thoughts on why this may be happening?  I had even used some basic php on a custom page to see if my ip would display and it just comes in blank.  
dave Leader
dave May 29 '13

I did not check to see if the ip was being recorded before i added this plugin so i dont know. but you might use this, it works for me. 


Paul M.
Paul M. May 29 '13
I'm guessing all that plugin does is query the base_user table to get the joinIp's and displays them. I checked my db and noticed that some of the IP's were just 0. I'm still green to oxwall but I think it probably just uses $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] to get the visitors IP. You may want to do a couple of tests to see if this even works on your server. Try this hitting this on your server and see what you get:

<?php echo $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; ?>

If you don't get your public IP back then that would be your problem. If you do then I'd say there might be something wrong with your site.

Harry May 29 '13
Right, I had done $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] (etc)  and got all blanks.  I'm still green to oxwall, too.  But today I bought the user ip tracker plugin, and then registered new users, and the ips appeared.  I'm coming to realize that oxwall ignores general php?  Anyways, all works now with the plugin.

Thanks dave and Paul.  

dave Leader
dave May 30 '13

@harold   glad you got it working..  But Oxwall does not ignore general php, you have to know where to put it.  Oxwall uses smarty, along with functions, classes and rendering/parsing internal structures to pass the data thru those pocesses to finally reach an output page file.   You just have to know where to put your php and then grab it later with those utilities.    Thats about as simple as i can put it..  :)

The Forum post is edited by dave May 30 '13
Alia Team
Alia Jun 4 '13
Harold, can you print whole content of $_SERVER variable. We will be glad to take a look into this issue.

To grab the content:

1. go to ow_includes>>config.php
2. after  define('OW_USE_CLOUDFILES', false); line add: print_r($_SERVER);
3. go to your site and copy-paste here data you will get at the top of the page.