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The Impact of Esports on Physical Education | Forum

ben Nov 7

I wonder how esports are affecting the physical education of schoolchildren and students. After all, sports have always been something active, associated with movement and training. But today, some schools are adding esports to their physical education programs. Can this be useful for physical and mental development, or is it just a way to attract children who do not want to play sports?

lora Nov 11
In the US, esports are really becoming a part of physical education programs, especially in colleges. At first glance, it seems strange to sit in front of a screen instead of running or working out in the gym. But this has its advantages. For example, many students train in esports, learn strategy, work in a team, which develops concentration and mental skills. In addition, such programs help attract those who were previously not interested in traditional sports to physical activity. You can learn more about this here https://www.virlan.co/esports/how-us-education-includes-esports-in-pe/
sara Nov 11
E-sports can be considered as a supplement to physical activity, not a replacement for it. It seems to me that the correct implementation of such programs can motivate children who do not like sports to start moving more. They can understand that sports are not only running or football, but also the development of skills that will help them in life.