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Install page displays a blank | Forum

china Jun 6 '13
Today is a server installation, discovery appears blank, if you enter at URL:, is found to display text, see picture below. Thank you.I think it is not my server is not configured well, but I do not find the reason, please enlighten.I have attached my config file。

china Jun 6 '13
httpd.CONF php.INI
  httpconf phpini.zip (27.08Kb)
Paul M.
Paul M. Jun 6 '13
Looks like you have a local install going on there. Oxwall needs a domain. It absolutely relies on rewrites. Modify your local hosts file with mytestdomain.com => After that hit your test domain again.
Alia Team
Alia Jun 7 '13
+1 to Paul's reply.
China, also check this topic: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/2542
china Jun 7 '13
Alia thank you for your problem has been resolved. But there is a new problem.

Tried to visit my new site, verify the user and password every time when frequent prompts: "Please fill the form properly", not landing, when I register a new user, jump pages are 500 ERR.

I enclose my website: http://www.wumingwan.com

Timothy Jun 7 '13

When going to your site and registering a new user, I am getting the following error: 

Message: Could not instantiate mail function.
File: D:\wamp\www\ow_libraries\php_mailer\class.phpmailer.php
Line: 595
#0 D:\wamp\www\ow_libraries\php_mailer\class.phpmailer.php(519): PHPMailer->MailSend('Date: Fri, 7 Ju...', '--b1_916fc062b9...')
#1 D:\wamp\www\ow_system_plugins\base\bol\mail_service.php(265): PHPMailer->Send()
#2 D:\wamp\www\ow_core\mailer.php(97): BOL_MailService->send(Object(BASE_CLASS_Mail))
#3 D:\wamp\www\ow_system_plugins\base\bol\email_verify_service.php(217): OW_Mailer->send(Object(BASE_CLASS_Mail))
#4 D:\wamp\www\ow_system_plugins\base\bol\email_verify_service.php(244): BOL_EmailVerifyService->sendVerificationMail('user', Array)
#5 D:\wamp\www\ow_system_plugins\base\controllers\join.php(328): BOL_EmailVerifyService->sendUserVerificationMail(Object(BOL_User))
#6 D:\wamp\www\ow_system_plugins\base\controllers\join.php(221): BASE_CTRL_Join->joinUser(Array, '290365aadde35a9...')
#7 D:\wamp\www\ow_system_plugins\base\controllers\join.php(172): BASE_CTRL_Join->postProcess(Array)
#8 [internal function]: BASE_CTRL_Join->joinFormSubmit(Array)
#9 D:\wamp\www\ow_core\request_handler.php(266): ReflectionMethod>invokeArgs(Object(BASE_CTRL_Join), Array)
#10 D:\wamp\www\ow_core\application.php(317): OW_RequestHandler->dispatch()
#11 D:\wamp\www\index.php(65): OW_Application->handleRequest()
#12 {main}
Type: phpmailerException

Enable SMTP by going to: Admin > Settings > General Settings > SMTP

The Forum post is edited by Timothy Jun 7 '13
china Jun 7 '13

think“s Timothy

I can not log in, can not enter the background, shown with a user name and password, click "join" button, indicating "" Please fill the form properly "", I found in windows server 2008 platform will appear this problem, local and server are present, However, in windows 8 is possible.
ross Team
ross Jun 11 '13
Alia Team
Alia Jun 12 '13
China, I think that you have reinstalled Oxwall.
Right now I am getting 500phtml error on join page.

With enabled Debug mode are you getting old errors?

Is "Please fill the form properly" error still relevant?
china Jun 12 '13
think“s Aliia

I re-build a linux platform, replacing windows server2008 platform, problems have been resolved.

But I'm sure, windows server 2008 platform installation oxwall, can be installed successfully, but can not successfully landed oxwall.