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Removing Tags | Forum

new Jun 6 '13
I have removed spam user account but their tag is still persisting. I have deleted them (tags) in database as well but i m still seeing them. 

how to remove them? 

dave Leader
dave Jun 6 '13
what is your site url please :)  and have you done a search in the db for the word "payday"  if so an you have removed them then refresh your cache and it should clear it out, i think its prob still n your cache values in your db
Alia Team
Alia Jun 7 '13
New, should not have happened this way. Tested on my installation. Once user is deleted all content, including tags is deleted as well.

1. How did you delete the user? ( from admin panle?).
2.  Where exactly in the database have you deleted tags?

new Jun 7 '13
I deleted spam user from Database, as i was looking for their ip to block that, so i thought to delete that from same place , and later i found out, that everything still intact, their blog post and links and tags. so i deleted them too from db, links and blog post went off but tag still persisting. 

Ow_base_tag : 

It appears i didnt delete all tags, but i now i have .. there were over 250 tags, only 4 were mine. 

now they are gone. this spam thing is so weird. Get something to stop allowing to join site.

dave Leader
dave Jun 7 '13

Yes remember that user data is spread out over numerious tables so just deleting from user table will not do it all.   This is why we recommend that you delete them using the admin panel or the admin menu when you view their profile.  That way they are deleted and so is all their data.


Change your site in admin privacy and permissions, select the box that says manditory user approve.  You will need to approve each user.  There are also plugins free and paid that you can add to help you in the Oxwall Store (on the menu above)

The Forum post is edited by dave Jun 7 '13
Alia Team
Alia Jun 7 '13
Glad to hear that everything was resolved.

Oxwall platform as well as plugins mentioned by Dave protect your site from bots to some extent.
Unfortunately manual approving and deleting spammers ( I mean human spammers not bots) is something you will have to do.  It is not possible to be 100% protected with any software today.

I also suggest setting up user roles. So that people with default user role can't post content such as links, blogs and events until admin manually gives them another role.