Tried to visit my new site, verify the user and password every time when frequent prompts: "Please fill the form properly", not landing, when I register a new user, jump pages are 500 ERR.
I enclose my website:
Tried to visit my new site, verify the user and password every time when frequent prompts: "Please fill the form properly", not landing, when I register a new user, jump pages are 500 ERR.
I enclose my website:
China, thanks.
1. This error might appear if DEV mode is enabled in config.php and site is being opened by several users at the same time. Usually error disappears if you refresh the page. I am 90% sure that this is not your case though ))
2. This also might appear if html_document.html is missing on your server. Go to wherever your oxwall files are located at>>ow_themes/origin/master_pages and check whether you have html_document.html file there.
Confirm html_document.html file exists, few people know of this site, perhaps I operate, I have quit URL, you retrial.Two questions I know one through debug mode, has to figure out ERR500 reason, should be, cause the mail server is not installed, this is my initial judgment.
However, using the correct user name and password, still prompt "Please fill the form properly", which is the reason I have not understood the question.