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I’m going to have to take the concealed carry class again aren’t I? | Forum

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Brian Bennett
Brian Bennett Nov 22 '24
I let my concealed carry card expire and I think with the new law, I only had 30 days to renew after it expired. Completely slipped my mind. I’m so mad at myself.

My card expired in January of this year. That means I have to retake the class if I want a permit?

How long is this class now? Is there any abbreviated versions?
wanda Nov 24 '24
I thought all you had to do is get fingerprints and all that background stuff but I'm probably wrong.
Jesse Hiserp
Jesse Hiserp Nov 24 '24
I let mine expire and had to retake the class—such a pain, but honestly, it was a good refresher. I’m not sure how it is now, but back then, the class was about 5-6 hours, covering the basics and range time. I’ve heard there might be shorter courses available in some places, but it probably depends on the state. If you’re in the Coon Rapids MN conceal carry area, I’d check with local instructors or ranges—they’re usually pretty good at guiding you through what you need. Don’t beat yourself up too much about letting it slip. Life happens! Retaking the class might even give you a chance to brush up on laws that have changed.