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Admin Content Disappeared - Help! [Solved] | Forum

Laura Jun 15 '13
I had a notice that a plugin needed updating so after the update was finished and I was returned to the plugin panel, everything was gone! In matter of fact no content for any functions!

The site is still operating and all the content and plugins are still physically there but no way to administer the site.

What happened?
The Forum post is edited by Alia Jun 17 '13
dave Leader
dave Jun 15 '13
Which plugin was it might i ask?   And it might just be a cache refresh issue.
Laura Jun 15 '13
I wished I could remember.. it was a highlighted plugin in my installed plugin panel and I just hit update. It seemed to update fine but when it finished no more content in my admin panel.

This is very bad because we are getting ready to launch our site next week.

What should I do?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
dave Leader
dave Jun 15 '13

try refreshing your cache, do you know how to change your dev mode to true?  if so then do that and hit f5 on the site a couple of times. 


I would recommend using the extreme cache plugin but you cant get to your plugins you said so use the dev mode method and see what happens. 


Also after you do the dev mode refresh try loading the site in another browser, some browsers love to hang on to cache for dear life so try another browser.

Laura Jun 15 '13
Not sure how to do that? Where do I set it to true?

I did try to load in another browser but that did not help.
Like I said everthing is working on the site but everything is blank in the admin panel.
The Forum post is edited by Laura Jun 15 '13
dave Leader
dave Jun 15 '13

log into your Cpanel and open up  ow_includes/config.php


down below you will see this code

    * Make changes in this block if you want to enable DEV mode and DEBUG mode

    define('OW_DEBUG_MODE', false);
    define('OW_DEV_MODE', false);
    define('OW_PROFILER_ENABLE', false);


now on this line


define('OW_DEV_MODE', true);   change the false to true like this


then save the file, open your site in a browser and hit F5 a few times maybe even on different pages just to be sure. 


Then try your admin area again..  If it has resolved itself and your back in business then change that dev mode back to false, save the file and your done.


Laura Jun 15 '13
That worked!

Thanks so much for your help :)

The Forum post is edited by Laura Jun 15 '13
dave Leader
dave Jun 15 '13
Your welcome :)
Alia Team
Alia Jun 17 '13
Thanks Dave.
dave Leader
dave Jun 17 '13

Im getting good at this Aliia, first thing i always say is refresh your cache, it fixes 70 percent of the issues.. lol..  


Next ill be saying would you like fries with that and by the way refresh your cache lol... :)


Thanks Aliia.