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Cache Course 101 | Forum

dave Leader
dave Jun 15 '13

With all of the questions we seem to have which the resolve happens to be "refresh your cache", I do not know why there is not a sticky for this anywhere that i could find.  And there is no mention of this even in the README file located in the root.   It does seem members could resolve many of their own issues if this was a sticky and if they knew how to do this very important procedure.

One of the most important things being an Oxwall site owner is knowing how to refresh your cache. 


First lets explain what cache is in very simple terms that anyone should be able to understand.


Lets say for example that you are working on a project at home, and you go to the local library to get a book on the subject.  You go up to the counter and ask the librarian where to find a book on the project and she walks with you to help you find this reference which happens to be on the far side of the library.


So you check out the book and later that day you need another book on the same topic, so back to the library you go. Again the nice librarian will go with you to make sure you get what you want and again its a long walk to that part of the library.


So off you go back home to use your new book skills.   Now the librarian is no dummy, she knows she cant keep doing this time and time again, her poor legs are about to give out as it is.  So her age and wisdom tell her to make one more trip over to that section, grab all the books on that subject and keep them at her desk.  That way when you come back (and she knows you will) she has all the books you might need right there at her desk and she can save time and engergy by having them there.


That folks is cache!   It is a way for computers, browsers, and software to save time and energy by having what you need or what is most often requested close by at the ready in case you need it time and time again.   Now i could have said this without the story but i like telling the story lol...


Now the Oxwall software stores items as cache for many things and we wont go into detail on that. Just so you know that most any code change you make to screen presentation will require you to refresh your cache.


With browsers what happens is that when you refresh your cache it grabs a fresh copy of your site from the server instead of the one that may be cached. Many times you can do this by just pressing cntrl + F5  (control key + F5) on your keyboard.


There is also DNS cache of which is a local cache you find on your local machine, modem, ISP connection.  And there are special ways to clean that up from your PC command prompt.  You can google "how to flush DNS cache" on that one. 


But with Oxwall what you do to clear your cache and basically get a fresh copy of the site so your changes show up. You can install and run the extreme cache plugin which i believe it clears more cache items.  Or you can do this the manual way like this.

log into your Cpanel and open up  ow_includes/config.php


down below you will see this code

     * Make changes in this block if you want to enable DEV mode and DEBUG mode

    define('OW_DEBUG_MODE', false);
     define('OW_DEV_MODE', false);
     define('OW_PROFILER_ENABLE', false);


now on this line

define('OW_DEV_MODE', true);   change the false to true like i have done

then save the file, open your site in a browser and hit F5 a few times maybe even on different pages just to be sure.



Extra Credit Section!


Now if you want to make it easier on yourself and you dont want to get the plugin you can make two entries in your config.

Set one to true and one to false as i have done.

And then keep one of them commented out with //  (which tells the server not to execute that line) at all times as i have done.

This will run normally as false

   define('OW_DEV_MODE', false);   
// define('OW_DEV_MODE', true);

then when you are ready to set it to the other value just move the // comment to the other line as i have done below.

This will run dev mode as true

// define('OW_DEV_MODE', false);   
   define('OW_DEV_MODE', true);


The Forum post is edited by dave Jun 15 '13
suwat pb
suwat pb Jun 16 '13
Library explain COOL!  and plugin 'Cache Extreme' work great..

thank dave

dave Leader
dave Jun 17 '13
you are quite welcome :)