Dave, no customer data will on-line transfer it. The process is as follows:
The customer gets my transfer data if he liked to become a member. He puts down these data in his Online-Banking or directly in the bank and transfers the money to me. I see on my bank statement that the money on the account is and switches the account freely. Then the customer gets a calculation with his data, which he in the profile stored hat:name, street, place! Quite gewöhnlichr process in Germany. I administer the bank data of the customer only in own PC what is also quite normal if one has a company. Therefore, the customer must send no own bank data on the Internet! This is a process, run the hundreds of thousands of companies! Uncertain, however, are all the payment options that require online access any account or card numbers!
Have I answered with it your question? :-)
Yes thanks, thats interesting. Here in the USA if you maintain bank information and other very private information, even if you store it locally in the business and not online you have to adhere to privacy regulations, i believe this includes banking, cc info, personal address, medical information and im sure other data is included.
Here if you dont take proper precautions to safeguard the data and something happens you can be sued and very heavy fines as well.
Thanks i was really curious, that is interesting. Thank you for taking the time to answer :)
In the USA, almost everything is on credit cards - in Germany is not as popular and therefore an aspect of security!