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Oxwall 1.6 | Forum

suresh kumar
suresh kumar Jun 16 '13
Anyone has news regd oxwall 1.6 last news said it will land on june and there is no news of it yet . Is it delayed or developer tests had began?
dave Leader
dave Jun 17 '13

There are probably 5 other posts just like this that i have seen lately, we have not heard anything at all about the new version.  It will be announced publicly when they do so please be patient, and attempt to use the search feature, it is your friend.. :)  


Everyone will know when it comes out, word will spread fast.

Pete Jun 17 '13

Quote from dave

There are probably 5 other posts just like this that i have seen lately, we have not heard anything at all about the new version.  It will be announced publicly when they do so please be patient, and attempt to use the search feature, it is your friend.. :)  


Everyone will know when it comes out, word will spread fast.

Oxwall could at least let everyone know ,whats going on with this mobile update ,and people would not keep posting messages over and over again about it .
dave Leader
dave Jun 17 '13
I am sure they will pete when ready to do so. :)
The Forum post is edited by dave Jun 17 '13
Pete Jun 17 '13

;-) thanks

Pete Jun 17 '13

Quote from FoxTechs
Quote from Pete
could at least let everyone know ,whats going on with this mobile update ,and people would not keep posting messages over and over again about it .
#3 · Qu

Remember, they're a team dedicated to providing almost 100% free software for us to use. All they ask of us is patience :)


Oxwall could let members know what stage thay or up to with this mobile plugin ,it would only take moments to post a small message .YES i know its free ,and i also no there has been quite a few posts askingabout it on the forum .Because its free ,people would still like to be kept updated .Alot of people will be posting messages on there oxwall sites stating a message ,mobile site coming in June .
dave Leader
dave Jun 17 '13

I personally would rather them focus on getting it right than public relations.  I am as anxious as the rest of us to see what they have for us now.  But it is only the 17th and there is still time. 



The Forum post is edited by dave Jun 17 '13
Den Team
Den Jun 18 '13
Hi guys,

We have really busy days here and as dave mentioned, have to spend less time for public updates. In short term: mobile design markup almost done, probably will start code development on the next week. 

Follow us on twitter and facebook to get the latest news. 

Joseph Jun 21 '13
It's all good guys I am pretty good where oxwall is right now there is some nice developments coming in the store and mobile is gonna be big for oxwall so patience is the virtue we don't want some crap mobile version so we should not rush the developers
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Aug 3 '13
I totally agree with you there Joseph, to many problems occur when things are rushed, and I have had more than enough problems with my own Oxwall website.