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error when costumize [Solved] | Forum

Saeed Jun 18 '13
hi , i Costumize my index o profile and drag and drop favorite part from above windows and then stable here i click "edit" to edit my html into part, but after edit and when i Click in "Save" , Dont Save and show this Error : 

Not Found

The requested URL /500.phtml was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Apache/2 Server at unikade.ir Port 80
plz help me can i solve this Problem ?!
The Forum post is edited by Alia Sep 22 '13
Alia Team
Alia Jun 19 '13
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Saeed Jun 19 '13
plz help ME
Alia Team
Alia Jun 20 '13

1. what kind of "html" have you tried to insert?
Do you get the same error when you enter regular text instead of .html?

2. can you send a screen shot of the place you are editing before you get the error?

3. can you check your server's error logs? What are the latest errors ?
Saeed Jun 25 '13
1. any kind of html example : <p> ss </p>

2. yeas , attached


  screen.jpg (82.03Kb)
Saeed Jul 5 '13
plz help meeeeeeeeeee
Alia Team
Alia Jul 9 '13

1. Try enabling Debug mode in config.php and then save your widget one more time.
2. Check your server's error log
Saeed Jul 12 '13
I enable Debug Mode in Config.php and try Costumize index, error changed to :

INCORRECT RESPONCE#0 /home/unikadei/domains/unikade.ir/public_html/ow_core/database.php(331): PDOStatement->execute() #1 /home/unikadei/domains/unikade.ir/public_html/ow_core/database.php(564): OW_Database->execute('INSERT INTO `ow...', Array) #2 /home/unikadei/domains/unikade.ir/public_html/ow_core/database.php(601): OW_Database->insert('INSERT INTO `ow...', Array) #3 /home/unikadei/domains/unikade.ir/public_html/ow_core/base_dao.php(215): OW_Database->insertObject('ow_base_compone...', Object(BOL_ComponentSetting)) #4 /home/unikadei/domains/unikade.ir/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/bol/component_setting_dao.php(141): OW_BaseDao->save(Object(BOL_ComponentSetting)) #5 /home/unikadei/domains/unikade.ir/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/bol/component_admin_service.php(172): BOL_ComponentSettingDao->saveSetting('admin-5190bc483...', 'content', 'weee') #6 /home/unikadei/domains/unikade.ir/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/controllers/ajax_component_admin_panel.php(116): BOL_ComponentAdminService->saveComponentSettingList('admin-5190bc483...', Array) #7 [internal function]: BASE_CTRL_AjaxComponentAdminPanel->saveSettings(Array) #8 /home/unikadei/domains/unikade.ir/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/controllers/ajax_component_panel.php(82): call_user_func(Array, Array) #9 [internal function]: BASE_CTRL_AjaxComponentPanel->processQueue(Array) #10 /home/unikadei/domains/unikade.ir/public_html/ow_core/request_handler.php(266): ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(Object(BASE_CTRL_AjaxComponentAdminPanel), Array) #11 /home/unikadei/domains/unikade.ir/public_html/ow_core/application.php(317): OW_RequestHandler->dispatch() #12 /home/unikadei/domains/unikade.ir/public_html/index.php(65): OW_Application->handleRequest() #13 {main}Class:#0 /home/unikadei/domains/unikade.ir/public_html/ow_core/database.php(331): PDOStatement->execute() #1 /home/unikadei/domains/unikade.ir/public_html/ow_core/database.php(564): OW_Database->execute('INSERT INTO `ow...', Array) #2 /home/unikadei/domains/unikade.ir/public_html/ow_core/database.php(601): OW_Database->insert('INSERT INTO `ow...', Array) #3 /home/unikadei/domains/unikade.ir/public_html/ow_core/base_dao.php(215): OW_Database->insertObject('ow_base_compone...', Object(BOL_ComponentSetting)) #4 /home/unikadei/domains/unikade.ir/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/bol/component_setting_dao.php(141): OW_BaseDao->save(Object(BOL_ComponentSetting)) #5 /home/unikadei/domains/unikade.ir/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/bol/component_admin_service.php(172): BOL_ComponentSettingDao->saveSetting('admin-5190bc483...', 'content', 'weee') #6 /home/unikadei/domains/unikade.ir/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/controllers/ajax_component_admin_panel.php(116): BOL_ComponentAdminService->saveComponentSettingList('admin-5190bc483...', Array) #7 [internal function]: BASE_CTRL_AjaxComponentAdminPanel->saveSettings(Array) #8 /home/unikadei/domains/unikade.ir/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/controllers/ajax_component_panel.php(82): call_user_func(Array, Array) #9 [internal function]: BASE_CTRL_AjaxComponentPanel->processQueue(Array) #10 /home/unikadei/domains/unikade.ir/public_html/ow_core/request_handler.php(266): ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(Object(BASE_CTRL_AjaxComponentAdminPanel), Array) #11 /home/unikadei/domains/unikade.ir/public_html/ow_core/application.php(317): OW_RequestHandler->dispatch() #12 /home/unikadei/domains/unikade.ir/public_html/index.php(65): OW_Application->handleRequest() #13 {main}

Alia Team
Alia Jul 15 '13
Saeed,  what kind of custom modifications have you done before the error appeared?

- have you installed any plugins?
-added custom code anywhere on your site?

Are you able to delete your widgets?
Saeed Jul 19 '13
No any custom modifications done before the error appeared...

i deleted all plugin that i installed but Problem No Solved ....

yeah when delete Widget show that error but when refresh i see that widget deleted ...

Plz help ...

Alia Team
Alia Jul 30 '13
Saeed, I will be glad to take a look if you provide all needed access details ( admin panel username+pass, and control panel username and pass. )
Saeed Aug 1 '13
Quote from Aliia Saeed, I will be glad to take a look if you provide all needed access details ( admin panel username+pass, and control panel username and pass. )

information Sent in Private Messege
Alia Team
Alia Aug 5 '13
Thanks for the info.

Issue solved.

Causes: missing "type" column in two database tables:

1. ow_base_component_settings
2. ow_base_component_entity_settings

Most likely one of the core  updates didn't go well and new column was not added.


Adding columns manually.


Arifur Rahman
Arifur Rahman Sep 22 '13
Thank you Aliia!

It was really helpful!  :)

You are the great!