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How do i create a Google Connect button correctly | Forum

Cali Jun 21 '13
explain the steps for me to create a Google Button Correctly, so people can log into it. Please. All of the Google Parts, and Plug in parts.
Daisy Team
Daisy Jun 27 '13
Hi Cali, unfortunately we cannot provide the step-by-step instructions on how to perform modifications. Please read this topic: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/6082

If you are not familiar with the plugin development, it would be better for you to find a developer who can help you with this plugin development or search for the existing plugin in the Store.
Oxwall Accessories
Oxwall Accessories Jun 27 '13
We would be happy to custom build something like this for you Cali. Please see OwAccessories.com for more information. Or you can simply send me a pm with your estimated budget for this project and we can let you know if it is feasible.