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Updating the sign up question form doesn't work | Forum

Merijn Jun 27 '13

I'm testing out Oxwall on my local Ampss system, I also got the cron job working and almost everything seems to run smooth. Except when I change the profile questions (delete, add, make invisible/whatever). In regular profile edit mode once registered, all changes work fine. But the sign up form keeps already deleted questions (like in http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/10667 ). On top of that new questions and sections don't show while the 'interests' section just remains sticking there, even though I deleted everything. And most disturbingly it stops showing the gender input field (only the title 'Gender' remains visible). This is a required field so you can't sign up at all anymore.

I re-installed it 5 times and aplied different changes, I tried developer mode, to no avail. I'd really hate to switch to other community software since Oxwall looks and feels the best of all, so I'm hoping someone can help me out there. 

I'm running the latest version of Oxwall (1.5.3)

Thanks :-)

The Forum post is edited by Merijn Jun 27 '13
Alia Team
Alia Jul 1 '13
Merijn, DEV mode should have solved your issue ( after refreshing a couple of times).
Since this is a local installation, there is not  much I can do for you.
If you can bring it up "online" and provide admin panel and FTP access details I will be glad to troubleshoot this issue for you.