Hello everyone im new to Oxwall and I like it.
I believe it has strong potentials to become the leading open source social network.
I want to share with the community about few points hoping we could discuss it openly.
Soon Oxwall will reach to version 1.6 which is great. I have tested Oxwall on two beta sites 1 is a recommended host by Oxwall team the other 1 is normal shared hosting. When I used the recommended hosting I faced problems with email verification for new users which I summarized my experience in this post
As for the other host (not in the recommended hosts) I have faced many problems such as
Internal server errors, Video plugin does not except iframe …etc.
What I want to point out that many users face several problem when they want to create an independent site from all the other giants we face many difficulties. Oxwall team has developed oxwall system to assist the people to create their own social network and I thank the team.
Me highlighting these point for the propose to maybe that
oxwall future does not require new features at the time been, with the
current features its simply great.
What Oxwall future needs is to refactor its code and
reexamine its architecture with a focus on its stability and reliability. (a
great car without breaks its almost not useable)
-Issues like email verification for new users not working is considered hug problem.
-A new plugin can conflict with some of the system features which make some of oxwall features disfunction is also considered a problem.
-Also a very high attention on the different browser compatibility (I have noticed several posts in the forum which ends up the problem from the browser).
- Few other common issues do exist.
-The problems with RTL languages (My humble opinune is to add a CSS swicher based on the language choosen i know easy to say difficult to do) the RTL language issues will be solved for good. I did propose such feature in the Features Request section of the site.
Im pointing these things because Oxwall is growing and growing fast and I really see a potential for it and I hate to see it becoming buggy and problematic to install and maintain in the future.
I highlight these things because as the program grow the more difficult it will be to change or modify its core so most probably the programmers will use layers of codes to fix the issues on top of the core not in the core.
Im sorry for the long post i tried to be as clear as possible after all English is my second language.
I would love to see your opinions on these matters bellow.
Thank you.