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Get Latest Activity | Forum

Alan Jul 1 '13
Hello everybody!

I'd like to get the members' latest activity.

I found this code in ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/users.html :

{capture assign="activity"}

{if !empty($showPresenceList) && !empty($showPresenceList[$id]) && $showPresenceList[$id]}

{if $onlineInfo}

{if (!empty($onlineInfo) && $onlineInfo[$id]) || empty($onlineInfo) }{online_now userId=$dto->id}

{else}{text key="base+user_list_activity"}: <span class="ow_remark">{format_date timestamp=$dto->activityStamp}</span>





But I totally don't know how I can use it to get the latest activity, with the member's ID or username, can someone explain me how to do?

The Forum post is edited by Alan Jul 1 '13
Daisy Team
Daisy Jul 4 '13
Alan, the code you have provided simply shows when a user was online last time. Could you explain in more details what exactly you want to do. It will help me to find the proper solution.