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cannot upload video's to group forums [ Fixed] | Forum

Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Jul 1 '13
For some reason myself and my members cannot upload video's to my group forums, it shows up on the listings in the forum but when you click on it there is nothing there, could someone please looking into matter for me please?

Kind regards

Stan Junior

MDB Entertainment
The Forum post is edited by Alia Jul 9 '13
Aki Malinen
Aki Malinen Jul 1 '13
Same problem here, also normal forum video embedding wont work.

Before, both was working ok.

Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Jul 1 '13
I hope someone can fix it as my members won't be able to post video's in their groups.
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Jul 1 '13
Ali, did you upload a plugin before it stopped working? If so which one was it?
Aki Malinen
Aki Malinen Jul 1 '13
only normal updates, nothing more.
i dont know when this started.
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Jul 1 '13
mine started 3 days ago after I uploaded the hide links plugin!
bobbi Jul 1 '13
it is the same for us as well, i compared working youtube video to one i just tried to see the code difference

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/_iQRXuAo6Eg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

the above code works fine but the new ones are missing the http: which is why they dont work, i added the http: to the above code and got it working, 

this is the code youtube now give

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/_iQRXuAo6Eg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

you can see the http: is missing, this is the only way i can get youtube video to work now is by adding it
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Jul 1 '13
Thank you so much bobbi you are great :)
Pete Jul 1 '13
Stan it sounds to me like its the  hide links plugin!that is causing you the problem, it is removing some of the link in the youtube vids
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Jul 1 '13
Hi pete, I know what it is now bobbi just mesaaged me, Youtube have changed the code and took out the http, so you have to edit it now before it will work.
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Jul 1 '13
I just tried that code you tried bobbi but it still does not work in my group forum?
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Jul 1 '13
Yeah Yeah Yeah at last it is working I missed the: out lol I've got so much catching uo to do now, thanks bobbi :)
Alia Team
Alia Jul 2 '13
Thanks for reporting the issue and solutions. We are already working in adding a fix into our code.
I will keep you updated regarding this fix here: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/11891
Alia Team
Alia Jul 9 '13
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Jul 9 '13
Thank you