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page not found error [Answered] | Forum

Bianca Jul 4 '13
hi, i am working with oxwall now for several months never had any problems, this morning i tried to go on the community and it is all gone

'page not found' but checked my files and the directory and files are all there

what could be the problem.

Sorry i am not a wiz kid, just choose easy to use software..


The Forum post is edited by Alia Jul 9 '13
Alia Team
Alia Jul 4 '13
Bianca, can I have your site URL?

Also, just in case, check your server's error logs.
Bianca Jul 4 '13
www.misscolbi.com/community the whole community area is not found, it leads you straight to misscolbi.com
Bianca Jul 4 '13
i have attached the error log, i really don't understand much of this..
  errorlog.txt (387.89Kb)
Bianca Jul 4 '13

Thu Jul 04 00:02:36 2013] [error] [client] ModSecurity: Warning. Pattern match "indy library" at REQUEST_HEADERS:User-Agent. [file "/etc/httpd/conf/extra/modsecurity.d/20_asl_useragents.conf"] [line "132"] [id "330036"] [rev "1"] [msg "Atomicorp.com WAF Rules: Suspicious User agent detected.  Disable this rule if you use indy library."] [severity "CRITICAL"] [hostname "misscolbi.com"] [uri "/wp-login.php"] [unique_id "UdSffMPTShUAAEdOI3cAAAAn"]

So i assume this is what went wrong, but the question is, how do i solve it...

Alia Team
Alia Jul 5 '13
Seems like you have fixed this yourself.  I have loged in to your site and everything is ok.

Regarding the error with ModSecurity, it might have caused the page not found issue.
But it better to contact your host regarding this issue.
Bianca Jul 5 '13
i ended up reinstalling and started over... couldn't find anything wrong, my host said it was wordpress of the main site overriding oxwall, but that couldn't be, since it has been running for 8 months now....

Hope i never encounter this because starting over is not what the members want...
Pete Jul 5 '13

Make sure you make a database backup of your oxwall site everyday and also before you add a new mod,if your datebase is to big to reinstall  use this software http://www.ozerov.de/bigdump/


Staggered import of large and very large MySQL Dumps (like phpMyAdmin 2.x dumps) even through the web servers with hard runtime limit and those in safe mode. The script imports only a small part of the huge dump and restarts itself. The next session starts where the last was stopped.

The Forum post is edited by Pete Jul 5 '13
Bianca Jul 5 '13
thanks pete
Pete Jul 5 '13
Before you reinstall your back  download  your plugins  ,user photos ,etc   from  your oxwall in public _html   and your config file  as this needs to be kept and reuploaded  as its got your password ,INfact down load all your public _index  folder off your server  onto your desktop then you will have all the files ,etc    . To start you need to go to your datebase and drop it ,so now its empty ,then your need to reinstall oxwall  , then go back to your datebase and drop it again ,then import your database back up  .Then you need to upload your config file and over write the one in your new oxwall install ,then upload all your photos ,files, folders .And all being good you will have your website back .
The Forum post is edited by Pete Jul 5 '13