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Contact us doesn't support multilanguage | Forum

Maxim Kotov
Maxim Kotov Jul 8 '13
Steps to reproduce:
1) Add item to "Contact us"
2) Change language in admin panel. There is no way to add translation for the Contact item.
3) Open portal. Contact item it empty.

What is expected: standard multilanguage edit panel for Contact item.
Alia Team
Alia Jul 9 '13
Superbog, what do you mean by "contact item"? The whole contact us form? Or just one of the fields from this form?

If you mean the form, then it is translatable ( you can check our demo here: http://demo.oxwall.org/contact?language_id=1 . Try switching to DE language in upper right console).

If you mean just one of the fieds, let me know which one.

May be the language pack you are using just didn't have translation for the "Contact Us" plugin?
Maxim Kotov
Maxim Kotov Jul 9 '13
I mean the content that was generated by "Contact us:" plugin.
I try Ru and En languages.
Screenshot http://floomby.ru/s1/7YURdG/full/

This bug is present on your demo. In both languages the field To is empty.
The Forum post is edited by Maxim Kotov Jul 9 '13