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How to forward from the 404 page to index? | Forum

Lasse Jul 10 '13
I recently re-launched my website with Oxwall, which means that none of my thousands of backlinks around the web point to correct URLs anymore. So the users coming from other websites or old Google references only get the blunt Oxwall default 404 page.

Example: http://www.bitburners.com/...-using-tsmuxer/4047/

This is bad user experience and most turn away at this point. Is there a way to redirect the users to the index page, or at least modify the 404 page to be more appealing/instructive?
Alia Team
Alia Jul 15 '13

1. editing look and feel of 404 page.
Try editing base_document_page404.html ( ow_system_plugins/base/views/controllers)

Also search the Store. I know for sure that somebody has already developed a plugin that allows you to modify 404 page directly in admin panel.

2. Is there a way to redirect the users to the index page
Yes. You will need to edit .htaccess file ( google what exactly you will need to put into .htaccess first). Don't edit .htaccess if you don't know what you are doing.