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New User Registration Confirmation Mail | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Henry Jul 10 '13
I have just install the software. It is one of the best I ve seen. But after registering s a new user, I can't receive the confirmation mail. I tried setting up the smtp but also wouldn't work. I tried the smtp else where and it worked. Please someone help me. ute_styl@yahoo.co.uk
The Forum post is edited by Henry Jul 10 '13
Abbey Jul 10 '13
have you set up your cron?
Henry Jul 10 '13
Yes I have from my cpanel

Henry Jul 10 '13
How am I suppose to set it up(cron)
ross Team
ross Jul 14 '13
Here's the manual on configuring your Cron: http://docs.oxwall.org/install:cron
totao Jul 15 '13
Using crontab syntax generator like http://www.easycron.com/generator/crontab can guide you set up cron job correctly.
The Forum post is edited by totao Mar 28 '14
ross Team
ross Aug 19 '13
Henry, have you configured cron? Has the problem been resolved?