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Shoutbox | Forum

Joshua Jul 11 '13
Hello everyone,

So, after browsing through the store for other ways to add more chat features to my site aside from the Chatrooms plugin I purchased. Some of my users requested that I also add a shoutbox so they can chat on every page they visit rather than having to always visit the chats. 

With this desire brought up by some of my members. I switched to a custom theme I had modded with a side-bar and added a shoutbox at the very top of the side bar using the Custom HTML/CSS block on the homepage in the customize section.

Because all the shoutbox's in the Oxwall store are all pretty much the same. I have decided to provide my fellow webmasters with a free solution to a simple chat feature... Branding free.


I hope this helps everyone who can not afford to pay the $10 that the shoutboxs in the oxwall store go for.

Abbey Jul 11 '13
yeah i used this on another site... 99chats is another good one