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Major for html,java script, css, php | Forum

Lee Jul 14 '13
I want to learn html,java script, css, php and web design in college but I don't know what major have html,java script, css, php and web design.  Anybody have any idea for me?
dave Leader
dave Jul 15 '13
major in computer science.
Lee Jul 15 '13
What is the most important thing that I need to know, if I choose computer science.  
dave Leader
dave Jul 15 '13

Actually two things. 


1.  Deal with having to learn the old ways, the old days, binary, tubes, all of that.  Sometimes its boring but the old ways led to what we do now, so dont fall asleep too much and get thru it.  It is important.


2.  All languages follow very simple structure, input - process - output, what is different is the syntax.

Osborn Tyler
Osborn Tyler Apr 8
After reading the article on tips for branding, I implemented several important strategies in my business. First, I revised my logo and website design to better reflect my brand values. Also, I improved the content on my website and social media channels, making it more interesting and useful to my audience. In addition, I started engaging more with my customers through various communication channels, which helped strengthen my connection with them and increase brand loyalty. As a result, my business has become more recognizable and successful, attracting new customers and strengthening relationships with existing ones.