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blank-white page when debug_mode false, when true its OK [Answered] | Forum

Jitka Jul 14 '13
Hi everyone, I need help, my oxwall when debug_mode is false makes white-blank page after every atempts to add: links,events, groups,blogs,forum, (also editing forum). When debug_mode is true, everythig is OK. My server web errorlog doesn show anything-regardless debug_mode settings.  Every insertexecutions are oK, because links,events... is added into DB, but   mywebsite.eu/links/new (event,forum) form post makes blank-white page. Can someone help me? Thanks a lot. Jitka p.s. it occurred after clear (without any plugin extensions) oxwall instalation, and also after repeated installation.
The Forum post is edited by Alia Jul 18 '13
Alia Team
Alia Jul 16 '13
Jitka, white screen usually means there are errors on the page but they're not displayed.

You will need to enable error reporting in php.ini file

Useful tips: http://php.about.com/..._error_reporting.htm

If you don't have access to this file, ask your hosting company to do this for you. Once it is enabled try adding forum/even/link, any errors instead of blank screen?
Jitka Jul 18 '13
ok, thnks for reply, Ill try it, and let you know. jitka