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Change "Join Now" to "Sign In" | Forum

Bailey Jul 23 '13
My site is an internal media.  Very closed and invite only so I have no use for the "Join Now" widget.  I would just remove it but when you go to the site mobile the sign in link can't be seen but the Join Now can so I would like to change the Join Now to a Sign In.  Any help would be appreciated.  
Abbey Jul 23 '13
Try Admin >Language> n search for "join now"
Bailey Jul 23 '13
Thank you.  That helps part of the problem.  That will change what it says but not what it does.  I need to be able to change the link to a sign in link instead of a sign up as well. 
ross Team
ross Jul 24 '13
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Shawn M
Shawn M Jul 24 '13
Using the standard oxwall privacy tools you can close your site from Guests (Admin Area > Privacy & Permissions).
Bailey Jul 24 '13
Yes, you can change the privacy but all that means is when you select Join Now it take you to a page that says that registration is currently closed.  It doesn't solve the problem.  The major issuing being that in mobile the Join Now widget is easily accessed where as the console for sign in isn't visible.  If the Join Now Widget (which I have changed in Language to say Sign In) could link to sign in then everything would be worked out. 
Daisy Team
Daisy Aug 1 '13
Bailey, if the problem is in the Join Now widget you can simply create a new widget using the standard Oxwall Custom HMLT/TEXT widget which will lead to the Sign in page. Or make the changes in /ow_system_plugins/base/components/join_button.php file.