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Making the right sidebar bigger | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
Michael Leader
Michael May 22 '11

OK I run a modified Aerial theme.
I have a few main features on my site.
Members and photos at the top,
Below them news feed to the left and to the right image slider, blogs and forums.
The right hand one I am just using for space for Events and Video.
What I would love to is move either my blogs or forums to the right sidebar.
Currently the sidebar is too narrow and sometimes text "spills" out from it.
How can I make the sidebar bigger...

I can make the page bigger, I can make the sidebar bigger but when it "bleeds" into the main body it jumps to the bottom of the page. I need the seperation between the sidebar and main body to be larger so I can grow the sidebar without bleeding (overlapping) the main content.
The Forum post is edited by Michael May 22 '11
Michael Leader
Michael Jul 10 '11
It's OK, I Found the CSS for doing this but it ruined functionality in IE9...

I will try to replicate this later in a development site and take screenshot.
Michael Leader
Michael Jul 29 '11

This is what I would like to achieve!
Michael Leader
Michael Jul 30 '11
Not using the CSS edit?  bum!
radiovega Jul 29 '12
Hello again I'm more of you would like to create a customized news page on two columns on my website (www.radio-vega.ro). You can do this with oxwall? Thank you.