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tips | Forum

Kieron H Leader
Kieron H Aug 1 '13
has anyone got any tips on how to get more users on my site www.thestatusfeed.com ;
Abbey Aug 1 '13
lol.. this is a problem we all face.

Submit your site to google and other search engines
Make sure you have a good site descriptions and title etc (this is what people see on google)
Invite your friends, encourage them to invite theirs
Create a fanpage on facebook
Put your link to your site on as many of your profile pages on websites you belong to as you can (some sites don't allow this)
Promote your site on forums (some sites don't allow this but there are a few out there that do)
Apart from that everything takes time, don't be discouraged if your site isn't where you want it to be in 6 months or even a year, I see many people give up too soon. The longer you're online the more chance you have of making a mark.
Enjoy your site, keep it active and people will come.

Oxwall Accessories
Oxwall Accessories Aug 2 '13
Try link sharing sites and ad Sharing. Adult sites really have this method down good. A great place for information on that would be Gfy.com  Also try programs like Plugrush.com . I think Juicyads.com has a non adult section too. One other good place to buy services that can lead to good traffic is Fiverr.com  Hope this helps.
The Forum post is edited by Oxwall Accessories Aug 2 '13