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Confirm the site in search engines | Forum

Anonim Anonimov
Anonim Anonimov Aug 12 '13
I can't confirm my site in search engines. I downloaded files from Google, Bing etc and added in my site directory. But search engines writes that page not found. I don't know what's problem. Maybe, it needs to correct robots.txt. 
The Forum post is edited by Anonim Anonimov Aug 12 '13
Abbey Aug 12 '13
If I remember rightly you use the meta tag option and put it in yoursite.com/admin/settings/page in the custom head code section, you should then be able to verify your site

The Forum post is edited by Abbey Aug 13 '13
Anonim Anonimov
Anonim Anonimov Aug 12 '13
No. I added meta tag in mydomen/ow_themes/origin/master_pages/html_document.html. I thought that it is main page. Thanks, You helped me, it worked. But I want to add html tags in certain places. In what directory is located html file for editing main page?
Abbey Aug 13 '13
you go to yoursite.com/admin/languages, select "navigation" in the dropdown menu and insert what you need in the appropriate sections n click save
Anonim Anonimov
Anonim Anonimov Aug 13 '13
For example, I want to add Google Analytics script before </head>. And how can I do this using "navigation"?
dave Leader
dave Aug 13 '13
have you tried this its free http://www.oxwall.org/store/item/28
Alia Team
Alia Aug 16 '13
>>For example, I want to add Google Analytics script before </head>


Austeyr Nov 26 '13
If this is to verify your website with google Webmaster tools 

You go to 

Admin > Settings > Main settings > Page settings > Add meta tag to Header code.

You can also probably allow the html file in your .htaccess file 


+1 abby you already said this ... not sure why didn't work for Anon then cause it worked for me.

The Forum post is edited by Austeyr Nov 26 '13