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500 error with Groups plug in [Answered] | Forum

Tess Franklin
Tess Franklin Aug 17 '13

I posted this in the plug in support area but haven't received a reply yet so I'll try here :)


I receive a 500 error when attempting to use the Groups plug in. It activates, but when I click on settings to configure it I get the error.

 I followed the work around instructions involving removing and reinstalling the plug in offered by another poster, but got the same error regardless.


I attempted to enable DEV_MODE in order to generate a specific error to report but when I did that my site didn't load at all.


I replaced the config.php file with the back up one I saved before hand, so my site loads again, however I am back to square one.

The Forum post is edited by Alia Oct 11 '13
Tess Franklin
Tess Franklin Aug 17 '13

Quote from Paul Cuffe

I am happy to help you solve this problem, its strange you got no site load on DEV_MODE set to TRUE, would it be possible for you to PM some details to me so i can help you fix this fault


Thank you! and sure I will, what details do you need from me?
Den Team
Den Aug 27 '13
Topic was moved from Oxwall Store.
Alia Team
Alia Aug 27 '13
Paul, was the issue resolved?
Any help needed?
Tess Franklin
Tess Franklin Oct 8 '13

I do apologize for not getting back to you Paul, life got rather crazy for a bit and I had to turn my attention else where.

 I decided to go with the forum set up for now allowing my users to create topics and not worry about the groups. That seems to be suitable for our current site needs.