I have added this Java Script to the PAGE SETTINGS tab in my Oxwall admin
var rev = "fwd";
function titlebar(val)
var msg = "Gang Giz - India's No.1 Social Network.";
var res = " ";
var speed = 100;
var pos = val;
msg = ""+msg+"";
var le = msg.length;
if(rev == "fwd"){30
if(pos < le){
pos = pos+1;
scroll = msg.substr(0,pos);
document.title = scroll;
timer = window.setTimeout("titlebar("+pos+")",speed);
rev = "bwd";
timer = window.setTimeout("titlebar("+pos+")",speed);
if(pos > 0){
pos = pos-1;
var ale = le-pos;
scrol = msg.substr(ale,le);
document.title = scrol;
timer = window.setTimeout("titlebar("+pos+")",speed);
rev = "fwd";
timer = window.setTimeout("titlebar("+pos+")",speed);
but after adding this my website is not loading, it is refreshing only, so how can i remove this , i cant even enter the sign in page,,, so =how can i edit the index page and remove the above tag using the cpannel