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I just changed my server and after that, I have many problems! | Forum

Alia Team
Alia Aug 26 '13

>>but I don't know how to reach at :suPHP off, suApache off, suhosin off,  and so on !!

First of all it is worth checking current status of those settings.
In most of the cased you can get the status by adding php info into config.php file.
  find your config.php file>> add phpinfo (); code right after  <?php part. So you should have:
phpinfo ();

Save changes. Go to your site and you should see a long table with all kind of data. Search for suPHP and other items you need. The table might or might not contain this data. In most of the cases it does.

If you won't be able to find this out, it is really better to contact host support.

>>1) my users can't change their avatar
2) except in newsfeed and wall, when a user post a message, the page never refresh automatically and user should refresh that page manually! (for example in blog and forum)
3) in Admin panel, I can not make a new page. when I click for making new page, even I can't edit an existing page !
4) I can't set or change my logo !

Those issues might have been caused by something else and your hosting settings might not be involved here at all. I suggest using DEBUG tool ( for example firebug) for a start.

As I have understood your currently URL is not working at all and there is no way we can actually reproduce the issue.
My suggestion is enabling maintenance mode.
IF you can't do this via admin panel, do this via your database.
Find "ow_base_config" table and change value for "maintenance" from 0 to 1.
This will put your site under maintenance, and only site admin will be able to log in.
Change back your DNS so that your site is visible and if possible provide me admin panel username and pass so that I can debug your issues for you.
If you can't provide admin panel username and pass, try to debug using any debug tool yourself.
momtaz1976 Sep 4 '13
Thank you all, specially thank's to Aliia for her very good help.

dear Aliia, I found a new problem in my server! I think the real
problem is because of 777 permissions . the below files have 777 permission


but I think my server, can not accept this permission for these files!
I check permissions in my control panel and everything is OK, but I know
there is something wrong in my server.
The Forum post is edited by momtaz1976 Sep 4 '13
dave Leader
dave Sep 4 '13
As we initially suggested, how about that..  :)
momtaz1976 Sep 5 '13

Quote from dave As we initially suggested, how about that..  :)

I appreciate you dear Dave, I know something is wrong in
my server. but I'm here to get some help from professional ones like
you and of course Aliia.

As you told me first (before blocking me as a fishy member !!! that made me sad!)
I contacted my server provider, but they couldn't help me and they told me I should
contact with someone who is professional in oxwall ! so I came here and after checking
some comments, I choose you and Aliia for help.
so please help me to find the real problem. and if possible, unblock me ! :)
dave Leader
dave Sep 5 '13
Aliia is awesome, and i am sorry that i was not able to assist more than i did.  But please understand that i said what i did because in my opinion it is not an oxwall issue.  If it was something simple regarding your server maybe that would be different, but i really do think you have some serious issues with your server and if your host will not help you to config the server correctly, you need to find a new host that does.   I dont want to upset you and sorry if i did, but i have to tell the truth and not lead you on.  It is a server issue and i wish you all the best, again i wish i could help more..  Good luck
The Forum post is edited by dave Sep 5 '13
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