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Impressions and clicks. - Advertisement | Forum

Dylan Aug 31 '13
Hi there,

I would like to firstly thank you for the amazing plugin its easy to use. Requires a bit of coding knowledge though.

But was wondering is it possible to be able to tell How many Impressions and How many clicks each banner has had if you created your own and didn't use adsense for example.

As seen here www.tokoroaschool.nziptv.co.nz/oxwall
Bernardo Sep 8 '13
Hola me pasarias ese plugin porfavor 
Alia Team
Alia Sep 26 '13
Dylan, this requires custom code modifications.
Dylan Oct 2 '13
What sort of difficulty level is that? Just PHP or a mixture of PHP and MYSQL? Should be a sort order Album function instead of recent correct? But where is the file to change?

Oxwall Software
Oxwall Software Oct 18 '13
Dylan, this require complex modifications with multiple files and we can't tell you exact steps you need to follow.
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