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visichat 2.6.0 integration to oxwall | Forum

francesco Sep 2 '13

hi can help me?I chat visichat 2.6.0.I would like to integrate chat visichat 2.6.0 a oxwall.
then chat takes user data from db Oxwall or contrary.


John Michaels
John Michaels Sep 5 '13
I second this one !! I also own outright , the Visichat 2.6.0 and would like to see an integration with Oxwall
The Forum post is edited by Den Sep 9 '13
Abbey Sep 5 '13
I would have thought that you would be best talking to the developer of visichat for this
francesco Sep 6 '13

They do not care to develop for the 2.6.0.

have Oxwall integration, but only release for new version 3.1.0 onwards.

Purusothaman Ramanujam

I missed you conversion. Can you reply to our communication
John Michaels
John Michaels Sep 29 '13

Quote from francesco

They do not care to develop for the 2.6.0.

have Oxwall integration, but only release for new version 3.1.0 onwards.

I have 3.1.0 Where do you find oxwall integration for this ?
francesco Sep 30 '13
Quote from John Michaels
Quote from francesco

They do not care to develop for the 2.6.0.

have Oxwall integration, but only release for new version 3.1.0 onwards.

I have 3.1.0 Where do you find oxwall integration for this ?

John Michaels
John Michaels Oct 7 '13

Quote from francesco
Quote from John Michaels
Quote from francesco

They do not care to develop for the 2.6.0.

have Oxwall integration, but only release for new version 3.1.0 onwards.

I have 3.1.0 Where do you find oxwall integration for this ?

Great information Francesco, Thanks !!!
Your a good man !

Okay it says this :

And lastly, log in your hosted chat admin panel, click on the config drop down menu and select Integration, and in the "External integration module URL" field, enter the URL of the visichat folder created previously:

However ,
the only box I see that is even close in 3.1.0 says only this :


No EXTERNAL one anywhere in there

Also question :
I have a different server for Oxwall than Chatroom , does chat have to be on same server ???

The Forum post is edited by John Michaels Oct 7 '13
francesco Oct 12 '13

by Gchats as they say, even on separate servers can integrate, I have not tried it yet, but make example of their hosting chat,

but this applies to 3.1.0.

John Michaels
John Michaels Apr 4 '14
I tried to integrate with 3.1.0 ( external link - chat is not on Gchat server but another ) and it does not work. I followed the instructions to the letter and all I got was error 500.

any suggestions ???

The Forum post is edited by John Michaels Apr 4 '14
francesco Apr 5 '14

hello, I do not know what you've done, if you explain to me the steps ... I can help you. 

I need to know and chat site url to integrate.

John Michaels
John Michaels Apr 5 '14
Hello francesco I did exactly what the readme file said to do in that order

tammy harris
tammy harris Apr 6 '14
i am trying to integrate visichat and trued the main rewrite thing in htacess but did not work  still i get 500 error but on putting this into visichat htacess i have it working
well its not fully working i am still try get it to connect to my red5 but this fixes the 500 error and works for a lot of 3rd party scripts you would like to run beside oxwall

add this to the bottom of the visichat htacess file

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>

Options +FollowSymlinks

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d


DirectoryIndex index.php

Options -Indexes

John Michaels
John Michaels Apr 6 '14
Francesco Can help you , 

I was having an issue with Visichat integration on my site and Francesco was kind enough to actually take the time and come to my site and work with me in reference to the integration and we got it done.

He is an amazing help and in my opinion should be working for Oxwall !

Excellent assistance Francesco

Thank You !!

tammy harris
tammy harris Apr 6 '14
i need help connecting visichat to red5 before i can even think of integrating it 

would you kindly send me the files for intergration
francesco Apr 6 '14

hello tammy,

 what are you talking about? 

integration visichat 2.6.0 or 3.1.0?

thanks you

tammy harris
tammy harris Apr 6 '14
visichat 3.1.0
i have it installed and can get to admin panel but on try conect to the chat page i get can not conect to server  witch i think is is not conecting to my red5 

i have done all instructions on copy files to red5 webapps, shut down and restarted red5 but is get same error on trying to open the chat

the red5 is a hiperversion installed by visichat long time ago and i was using another script   
francesco Apr 6 '14
first thing you should bring the old chat without integration, it should be in admin panel integration, see image of example. 
  Immagine1.png (196.65Kb)
francesco Apr 6 '14
Your visichat was installed by Gchats, then your red5 is found :  opt/red5/webapps

second step: If you have this path:  /etc/init.d/red5 

commands used to red5 are:


1-status:  #  /etc/init.d/red5 status

1-start:    #  /etc/init.d/red5 start

1-restart: #  /etc/init.d/red5 restart


I suggest if you do not restart the red5, repeating several times these three commands:

# killall java

# killall bash

# /etc/init.d/red5 start

I suggest you consult this: 


I hope that what I posted is worthwhile and can you can activate when visichat before, needless to pursue integration oxwall if the chat does not work

  Immagine2.png (5.99Kb)
tammy harris
tammy harris May 3 '14
i have visichat up and runing and intergrated but its using username  i need it to use real name

here is the php code any help on this 



  // visichat 3.1.0 Oxwall integration

  chdir ("..");


  define('_OW_', true);


  define('OW_DIR_ROOT', dirname(__FILE__) . DS . ".." . DS);

  require_once(OW_DIR_ROOT . 'ow_includes' . DS . 'init.php');

  @include OW_DIR_ROOT . 'ow_install' . DS . 'install.php';


  $application = OW::getApplication();


  $user = OW::getUser()->getUserObject();


  require_once dirname ( __FILE__ ) . DS . "config.php";


  // Get current user

  $userId = $user->id;

  $username = $user->username;

  $password = $user->password;

  $email = $user->email;


  // If user is a visitor

  if ( $password == "" )


 $username = $email = $userId = "";



  require_once dirname ( __FILE__ ) . DS . "config.php";


  // Verify the username and password

  if ( isset ( $_POST["ac"] ) )


 if ( $_POST["ac"] == "verify" )


$username = $_POST["username"];

$password = $_POST["password"];

$user = BOL_UserService::getInstance()->findByUsername ( $username );

if ( md5 ( $user->password ) == $password  || BOL_UserService::getInstance()->hashPassword ( $password ) == $user->password )


// Check if username exists

$result = array ("id" => $user->id , "email" => $user->email );

echo json_encode ( $result );





 // On failure login




?><html><title><?php echo $chatTitle; ?></title>

<body style="margin:0px;">

<script src="<?php echo $chatURL; ?>scripts/js/swfobject.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $chatURL; ?>scripts/embed.php?username=<?php echo $username;?>&password=<?php echo md5 ( $password );?>&ln=<?php echo $language; ?>"></script>



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