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Newsfeed and adding widget background (ow_box) | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Johan Sep 5 '13

I am new to Oxwall but have worked with WordPress and other platforms for a long time.

Hope this is the correct section, did not see any general development forum or plugins development forum. (Custom Code Modification does not really fit?)

I've installed the plugin Newsfeed which adds a widget to the dashboard. The problem with this widget is that it is not disaplying a background and border like the other boxes/widgets on the dashboard.

This is due to it having ow_box_empty class instead of ow_box

Here's where Newsfeed adds its widget:

$widget = $widgetService->addWidget('NEWSFEED_CMP_MyFeedWidget', false);

$widgetPlace = $widgetService->addWidgetToPlace($widget, BOL_ComponentService::PLACE_DASHBOARD);

$widgetService->addWidgetToPosition($widgetPlace, BOL_ComponentService::SECTION_LEFT, 0);

Do I do any change to this to make it have ow_box?

I cannot find any documentation on these functions unfortunately, hoping to get some clarity from these forums.


The Forum post is edited by Johan Sep 5 '13
Alia Team
Alia Sep 6 '13
Johan, admin panel>>pagex&menus>>user dashboard>>newsfeed item>>"edit">>check "wrap in box">> save>>Done

Let me know if this is not what you are looking for.
Johan Sep 6 '13
That seems to be exactly what I was looking for, thank you!Changed in User Profile too.

Still discovering the features of Oxwall :)

The Forum post is edited by Johan Sep 6 '13
Alia Team
Alia Sep 8 '13
Topic was moved from Bug reports and troubleshooting.