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Send verification emails before any other mail??? | Forum

fbkca Sep 7 '13

I would like it to be possible to send users their verification email even if the User Settings do not have it set. Is this possible? I would like user to confirm their emails before the site sends them any other emails.


Alia Team
Alia Sep 9 '13
fbkca, happened to run accorss this topic of yours.

If you would like verification email to be sent before any other email, then enabling "verify email" option in admin panel>>user settings should be enough.

I mean, currently this feature already works the way you want. May be you have some kind of idea behind this that you didn't mention?
fbkca Sep 9 '13
Well, the problem is, I don't want to deny access to the site completely, which is what this option does... It would ideal if no more emails were sent to the user until this step was done... but they can still use the site...


dave Leader
dave Sep 22 '13

Cant have your cake and eat it too.  IMO what your asking goes against the whole principle of verification.   Why would you want to give them any access until they verify?  If that is the case then just dont have them verify at all.


Its exactly like saying,  we will run a credit check on you for the car, but until then go ahead and drive it anyway lol..   Or  your loan is not approved for the house, but go ahead and move your stuff in while we wait. lol  :)

The Forum post is edited by dave Sep 22 '13
fbkca Sep 23 '13
Well, not really. I guess it depends on what you think the verification should be for and it's restrictions. The verification 'should' (IMO) only be for their email and their ability to receive future emails from the site. If they don't verify, oxwall shouldn't waste the resources sending emails to unverified addresses, but should have the option to still allow access.

I guess what I'm suggesting is you add some middle ground. Instead of all or nothing type restriction on the email. Then add a link to the quick links section to verify their email if they haven't.

dave Leader
dave Sep 23 '13

Point taken, and that is a good point for sure.  The issue really comes from the fact that verification was created and used globally as a means to verify email not just for email but for bot or fake profile control.   And that is why nearly every software on the market prevents access until you verify your email, because your not only verifying your email your also verifying your account and yourself at the same time. 


I have never seen a script that allows you to just verify your email just for email alone and allows you to use the site in any capacity until you do so.  Not to say they dont exist but i have not seen one yet.


So please understand that Oxwall is built around the most common practices.  As far as an option to verify email just for email purpose, i suppose you can mod the core if you wanted or have someone build a plugin that would allow such a thing.   :)



The Forum post is edited by dave Sep 23 '13
fbkca Sep 23 '13
Right, I'm moving over from boonex dolphin and they had that capability somewhat. Had limited access to the site until you confirmed your address. Made it like an incentive to go check their mail.  But they also had no control over if the emails get sent to unconfirmed addresses but it also had a feature to delete unconfirmed accounts in a set amount of days...
dave Leader
dave Sep 23 '13
Yes i looked at them one time but i found their plugins way too expensive. 
fbkca Sep 23 '13
yup. no argument there.