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Membership plugin | Forum

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Amber S /Liz M
Amber S /Liz M Sep 24 '13
This is a two part question
We bought the memberships plugin works great accept the fact under profiles our members account who have bought memberships still say trial on their profiles( we made a profile questions that states their membership level) but we need to get the account type off their profiles any way to do this I included a screen shot
  efd2.PNG (5.15Kb)
ross Team
ross Sep 24 '13
I believe you should do the opposite for the Account Type profile question - Delete it. 
Amber S /Liz M
Amber S /Liz M Sep 25 '13
The account type question was done after the fact so that doesnt need to be deleted  the issue is we have membrships and its kep it on profile as trial  the profile questions has nothing to do with the other
ross Team
ross Sep 25 '13
You need to contact plugin developer to fix the issue
fbkca Sep 25 '13
What payment gateway are you using?
Amber S /Liz M
Amber S /Liz M Sep 25 '13
its a adult site so right now we are using giftrocket and amazon gc till we find a suitable payment gateway
and ross why would we need to contact the plugin developer , the status in the scipt for profiles  is via oxwall not the developer of the  membership plugin
ross Team
ross Sep 26 '13
I'm sorry you confused me. How did you display the account type field in the first place?
Amber S /Liz M
Amber S /Liz M Sep 26 '13
the first account type was there before we bought the membership plugin
 the second field is in the profile questions add that we added
our issue is correcting the first field(sowe can get rid of the profile question)
Sean Sep 28 '13
Use Zombaio - plugin in oxwall store. They specialise in adult sites and works perfectly for us.
fbkca Sep 28 '13
PayPal accepts adult dating sites... I haven't had any problems using them... I also use CCBill too.
Amber S /Liz M
Amber S /Liz M Sep 28 '13
We are a adult fetish site  but we dont allow nudity on the site, I will look into Zombia thank you, pp is pretty strict when it comes to adult content so I may pass on that one thank you :)
ross Team
ross Sep 30 '13
can you provide me the screenshot of the profile fields section in your admin panel from here: www.yourdomain.com/admin/questions/index of the basic section, please?
Sean Sep 30 '13
Paypal refused my site and shut down my account. I'm a fetish site too and Zomabio are great with very low rates.
Amber S /Liz M
Amber S /Liz M Sep 30 '13
Sure Ross
Keep In mind the field Im trying to get rid of doesnt show up in the questions the one we added does
  profilequestos.PNG (37.06Kb)
  profilequesions2.PNG (32.45Kb)
  qiestons3.PNG (11.3Kb)
ross Team
ross Sep 30 '13
Can you tell me please, which membership plugin you use? 
The Forum post is edited by ross Sep 30 '13
Stas Oct 1 '13
Amber,  just an idea about second part of your question.

[QUOTE]>>but we need to get the account type off their profiles any way to do this I included a screen shot

If you would like to hide "Account Type" info from user's profile try removing following code from ow_system_plugins/base/components/user_view_widget.php :

= $questionService->getAccountTypeLang($accountType)

The code above comes from this part of the user_view_widget.php:

 if ( count($accountTypes) > 1 )
            if ( !isset($questionArray[$sections[0]]) )
                $questionArray[$sections[0]] = array();

            array_unshift($questionArray[$sections[0]], array('name' => 'accountType', 'presentation' => 'select'));
            $questionData[$userId]['accountType']= $questionService->getAccountTypeLang($accountType) ;

This should remove account type info from the " view user" page.
But you might want to check with Ross, whether it is the right place or not, just to make sure.
The Forum post is edited by Stas Oct 1 '13
Stas Oct 1 '13
And if you have DEBUG mode enabled don't get scared, this will generate a DEBUG notice ( see bellow). But, notices are not critical and you can live with this since they will be invisible when DEBUG is off.

Message:Undefined index: accountType
Amber S /Liz M
Amber S /Liz M Oct 1 '13
Using this plugin in which unfort didnt have this review when we bought it
Amber S /Liz M
Amber S /Liz M Oct 1 '13
and by the way thank you for every ones help it is appreciated
ross Team
ross Oct 1 '13
Amber, there definitely should be such a profile question which is connected to this account type. You should do the following: 

1. go to your profile questions in admin panel

2. show profile questions to a certain account type

I believe there should be a profile question "Account type" connected to the TRIAL account type, please check, then you

3. Click on the edit button, to enter that profile question

4. there will be a field - For account type, change the value in this field for all account type

5. then delete this field

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